Monday, November 20, 2006

Some Tips On How To Tell Your Husband You’re Pregnant

by: Kitty Barker

From time to time we come across some small hurdles in life but be confidant in knowing that most of them can be overcome - no matter what anyone tells you. One such hurdle is how to tell you husband your're pregnant. This is not meant to be advice on deception but I realize that not every piece of information is received as planned. There is always a place for input and stimulation when you need to get the creative juices working and none so much important as how to tell your husband you're pregnant.

Reading this article, you might get some useful ideas of how to tell your husband you’re pregnant. Finding out that you’re pregnant is one of the greatest events in your life. Nothing compares to the feeling you get when it becomes a certainty that there’s a new life growing inside of you. You’re happy and you want to share it with everyone. Of course, the first one that has to find out is your partner. Now you have to figure out how to tell your husband you’re pregnant. Well, relax because this article will help make it that much easier.

How he finds out the big news depends a lot on what he feels about having a baby, or at least on what you expect him to feel. Let’s consider three scenarios;

1. If you have both been trying for a long time to get pregnant, it means he will be extremely happy.

2. If you didn’t discuss seriously the topic and the pregnancy comes as a surprise even for you, he might be happy but he might also be scared of the simple fact that this will completely change his life and yours.

3. It can become complicated when your husband doesn’t want to have children. How to tell your husband you’re pregnant when you know for sure he opposes the idea of having a baby at this point. Here are some tips for all these three situations.

1. How to tell your husband you’re pregnant when you know this will be the greatest news for him. Depending on how much you like to surprise your partner, there are lots of ways to do this. Use your imagination! If you like romantic stuff, you can surprise him with a romantic dinner and, meanwhile, tell him the news. Make sure he finishes eating before, otherwise he might be that overwhelmed with happiness that he won’t be able to eat anymore. This is how a friend of mine surprised her husband: she put her pregnancy test result into an envelope and just left it on his desk, among other papers, and then waited for him to discover it. The problem was he opened it after 4 or 5 hours, as he had no hint of what was inside, and meanwhile, she was going crazy counting the seconds until he finally saw it. Of course, you can also just tell him, straight away, as soon as you find out: “I’m pregnant!!!” He will be just as happy as you are. Or you can choose to find out together, you can ask him to assist you while taking the pregnancy test.

2. How to tell your husband you’re pregnant when he’s not really prepared.
A pregnant woman needs a lot of support from her husband. But if your husband is not yet mature enough (and some men never are mature enough!) The news of your pregnancy might scare the hell out of him. This is most often an over reaction. And if he lets you see this, it doesn’t appear to be supportive at all. Before telling him, you must think of all his possible reactions and not expect much support from him in the beginning. Even if you have always been excited about the idea of having a baby, you have to understand that your partner might not have the same ideas as you. A child is a huge responsibility, and he may not be prepared mentally to face it. Therefore, you will have to be the supportive one and help him pass over his fears. However, in the end, when he gets used to the idea that he’s going to have a child, he’ll certainly be even more excited than you are. Of course, he might also be pleasantly surprised from the beginning, and this will be much easier for you!

3. How to tell your husband you’re pregnant when you know he opposes the idea at this point. You’ve discussed this several times, you tried to convince him, you even point out him happy children on the street hoping he might change his mind, but still he’s just like a stone. My first thoughts here are to minimize any pressures. Don’t tell him on a work day if he has a pressuring job or when he is fatigued. Wait until you have some time together. Go for a walk and spring it on him while you’re walking. Cook him his favorite meal, not to deceive but to soften the blow. It is important for you to be strong enough to face any of his reactions.

I hope this information has helped you to think creatively based on your own scenario. It’s better you know how to tell your husband you’re pregnant rather than someone else – remember that!
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