Saturday, December 30, 2006

Help I am Pregnant and an Addict

by: Patty Hone

There are a lot of resources on the internet, in books, and from the medical community on the dangers of drug and alcohol use during pregnancy. However, there is not very much quality information on what you should do if you have a problem with alcohol or drugs and are pregnant. The simple answer is you need to quit. With all the treatment programs availabele; AA, treatment facilities, therapy, self-control, etc., why wouldn't a women be able to get help. Why would anyone use drugs or alcohol while they are pregnant. Most pregnant moms know or have read that using drugs or alcohol can cause numerous problems for their unborn baby. But there are many reasons women avoid treatment.

Some do not believe they are really an addict or alcoholic. They may convince themselves that they don't drink or use very much or that often. The truth, if you are not capable of quitting during a time in your life when it is most essential that you do not drink or use, you are an addict. If you were not addicted quitting during pregnancy would not be difficult.

Many women falsely believe that an occasional drink or drug use is not really harmful. They may minimize their problem and rationalize what they are doing. They may say things like well when my mother was pregnant she drank/smoke and I turned out fine.

Sometimes a woman may convince herself that she is done and it won't happen again. Perhaps she has used during the first month but she will tell herself, I will get help if I do this again. With the next time it happening repeating the same rational in her mind, each time thinking it is the last.

Addiction is a shameful disease. Addicts come in all forms. People with addiction can hide their disease very well. Their friends and family may not even realize that they have a problem. Talking to a health professional about this may be something they are too afraid to do.

They may be afraid to talk to a professional for fear of having an investigation by Child Protective services.

Marijuana supporters put out a lot of false information about the risks to an unborn child. Minimizing the dangers, even going as far as to say babies born to marijuana users are less fussy and more content. They may choose to believe this misinformation in order to avoid facing their addiction.

Risks of using drugs and alcohol during pregnancy


Babies are more likely to be born preterm and with low birth weight.


Can cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Babies born with FAS may have symptoms of alcohol withdrawal shortly after birth. They often have a small head, small eyes, a wide flat nose, and a small jaw. Children with FAS may have growth problems, diminished mental capacity, and emotional problems.


Can cause preterm birth, low birth weight and some studies say it can cause attention problems in children.


Babies born to cocaine users often go through withdrawal symptoms after birth. Fetal growth may be retarded, there is a greater risk of premature labor and abruption of the placenta. Babies often have low birth weight, may have feeding problems, and are at greater risk of sids. Children of cocaine addicted mothers may have emotional problems, short attention span, and learning disabilities.

Heroin and other narcotics:

Mother is at a greater risk of having preterm labor and having a baby with low birth weight. Babies of heroin addicted moms may have breathing difficulties, hypoglycemia, and intracranial hemorrhage. They also will go through withdrawal after birth.

If you need help

If you think that you have a problem there are places to get help. Please do not wait.

One of the best places to get help is at
Acoholic Anonymous

Or you can look in your phone book under alcoholic anonymous. Someone there will gladly help you find meeting locations and someone to talk to.

March of Dimes
American Council for Drug Education

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Fitness While Pregnant - Information You Should Know

by: Tina Titas

Pregnant women can and should exercise in moderation unless there are health factors or risks that prevent them from participating in a fitness program. This should consist of intervals of no more than thirty minutes at a time, several days each week if not every day of the week. Exercising has been proven to help pregnant women feel and look better, and also will help in minimizing the amount of weight gained during pregnancy.

Keep fit during pregnancy can help prevent or avoid problems such as gestational diabetes, a common form of diabetes that sometimes develops during pregnancy. It will also help increase stamina, which will be needed for labor delivery and increase your physical and emotional well being before and after delivery. Staying in shape will also help speed your recovery after the birth of your baby. Always be sure to consult with your physician before beginning any type of fitness program while you are pregnant.

Fitness programs that are appropriate for pregnant women include walking, swimming, low or no-impact aerobics (done at a mild pace), yoga, and Pilates for as long as you are able to complete the required moves. You should always avoid activities that can put you at a high risk for injury. Forms of sports or exercise that may cause you to be hit in the abdomen or are performed lying flat on your back are considered high risk. This is extremely important after the third month. Another sport you will need to avoid during pregnancy is scuba diving. While this may seem completely harmless, especially since being in the water makes you feel lighter and more agile, it can cause dangerous gas bubbles to form in an unborn child's circulatory system.

There are numerous benefits that exercise can bring to a pregnant woman. You will burn calories, which will help prevent any excessive weight gain. If you work out on a regular basis, you will improve the condition of your joints and muscles, which will be very helpful during the birth of your baby. The long-term effects will also continue after giving birth and will also help you lower your risk of heart disease and many other serious illnesses.

Staying in shape will help to relieve any anxiety and stress you may feel. It will also help to prevent the "baby blues" that many new mothers experience after the birth of their child. This is valuable information since so many new mothers worry if postpartum depression will affect their lives and the lives of their family. Participating in fitness programs while pregnant gives many emotional as well as physical benefits.

Once your doctor give you the go ahead to begin a fitness program, decide on a program that fits both your likes and schedule. Keep in mind that it is best if you do not exceed a 30-minute period of time while exercising. If you are finding it difficult to pick a program, try several different types of exercises that are appropriate for pregnant women then decide which you enjoy the most. You may want to incorporate a variety of exercises into your routine to help prevent boredom and discouragement. Exercising while you are pregnant is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your unborn child.

Friday, December 8, 2006

It’s Not A Sin For Pregnant Women To Have A Massage

by: Sara Jameson

Getting pregnant is really a moment of joy. Don’t get carried away with your morning sickness, or your hormone changing, keep your life going and treat yourself to a happy living. Relax and spoil yourself with a prenatal massage or deluxe pedicure at one of your area’s finer spas.

Don’t feel that you cannot have a good time as you start to get bigger, and your breasts become tender and your ankles are swollen, nothing will sound better to you than a long massage. Just make sure you let your masseuse know you are pregnant, especially if you are not showing, since he/she will need to know in order to serve you best.

While at the spa, it is important that you do not get into any hot tubs or go into any steam rooms, which can unnecessarily elevate your body temperature. Other services, however, are fine. Pedicures will especially be a welcome treat to your tired feet!

Massages will generally run around $80-$100 plus tips and pedicures generally cost around $35-$65. Although it can be expensive, it is still worth it to indulge in a spa treat from time to time. If you cannot afford to spare the time or extra money, however, ask your spouse to give you a nice massage and foot rub. He might even paint your toe nails if you ask nicely!

You can also indulge in a long, relaxing bath soak with some sweet smelling bubble bath, which you can find at any bath specialty or discount store. Lavender is a relaxing scent, and citrus scents have an energizing affect. If you just want to feel girly, though, go for a rose or freesia scent.

What a good idea to relax. You can also avoid pregnancy blahs with above activities. Most pregnant woman experiences the pregnancy blahs

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Start Growing Healthy Children Before Getting Pregnant

by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

When I was in my early 20’s, I read Adele Davis’s book, “Let’s Eat Right To Keep fit.” I learned from her that “you are what you eat.” I also learned that our babies are what we eat while we are pregnant, and then are what they eat once they are born. If you nurse your babies, then they continue to be what you eat as long as you are nursing them. My bible during my first pregnancy over 38 years ago was “Let’s Have Healthy Children,” also by Adele Davis. I started to follow her guidelines way before getting pregnant, knowing that my health had a big effect on my baby’s health.

There is much more information about good nutrition available today, and I want to encourage anyone who wants to have healthy children to start early in learning about and implementing a healthy way of eating. Educating yourself regarding good nutrition is a major part of good parenting. However, a good rule of thumb is, if they didn’t eat it 200 years ago, don’t eat it now! This means no fast food, no packaged food - including sodas, cakes and candies - no preservatives, no fruits and vegetables grown with pesticides or artificial fertilizers, or animals grown with hormones and fed food grown with pesticides. It also means no smoking or drinking. It means no caffeine. If you want healthy children, you need to put pure, clean organic food into your body before you get pregnant and continue throughout your pregnancy. Of course, then you want to continue to feed yourself and your family clean food once your children are born.

If you are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, you have a wonderful opportunity to lay a strong foundation of health for your child. Why not start now feeding yourself well and learning all you can about creating healthy children? You are going to be a parent the whole rest of your life. You can do so much to make your parenting experience a joyful one by taking responsibility for your own physical and emotional health before getting pregnant. If you have not been disciplined enough to eat well before getting pregnant, perhaps the idea of eating well for your child will be enough to motivate you.

It’s not as hard as you might think. It really doesn’t take much more time to eat well than to eat junk. And the payoff is huge. Not only were my three babies healthy, they were calm. They slept well and were happy children, who learned easily and did well in school. The only time they were hyperactive – actually bouncing off walls! – was after returning from birthday parties where they had ice cream, cake and sodas.

In my many years of counseling, I’ve often worked with parents who were struggling with their children’s behavior problems. Of course not all behavior problems are nutritional, but you might be surprised how many problems have their cause in poor nutrition. I’ve often wondered why so many people are careful to put the right octane in their gas tank but put the wrong fuel into their bodies – and then wonder why there is so much illness, learning disabilities, and so on.

I want to tell you a little story about the power of food. We had a 6 month old golden retriever puppy who was dying of irritable bowel syndrome. He had constant diarrhea and was getting thinner and thinner by the day. We had been giving him the very best quality kibble and it wasn’t working. Fortunately we learned about raw food for dogs. Within two meals of raw food, he was completely healthy! Here I had been studying nutrition for so many years and it had never occurred to me that a dog’s natural diet is raw food! Wow, what a lesson!

Friday, December 1, 2006

Being Pregnant Is Not A Hurdle To Enjoy A Little Romance

by: Sara Jameson

Most of the time pregnant women are afraid to have a little romance. Probably they are afraid something could happen to their baby. Well, that’s wrong. It is important that you do not ignore your own needs or those of your spouse’s during pregnancy. Unless your doctor has warned you otherwise, it is generally safe to have intercourse while pregnant. You will not hurt the baby, nor will your hubby crush it by lying atop you.

You probably have a big belly, and difficult to move your body, but being loved is something that will not go away from you. You still want to taste the love from your husband. You can still initiate a sexy cuddle or some fooling around with your spouse/partner. Remember, after the baby comes, you will both be exhausted from 3 a.m. feedings and long days, filled with diaper changes.

Why do you need to continue having a little romance although you’re pregnant? You may not feel like being sexual, but it is at least important to cuddle or fool around with your husband, so that he still knows he matters to you. You probably will not have sex as much

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How To Avoid Swelling When Pregnant

by: Beverley Brooke

Edema, otherwise known as swelling, will affect almost all women at some point during their pregnancy. Swelling or Edema is most often the result of excessive levels of hormones coursing through your body.

Really, the best thing you can do to combat swelling is to drink far more fluid. It may seem counter intuitive, but the more juice and water you drink the less water your body will hold onto and the less puffy you will be. You should be working to drink at least 10 eight ounce glasses of water per day. Also try to avoid diuretic beverages such as tea and coffee, which contain caffeine. These are more likely to dehydrate you than invigorate you during your pregnancy.

You might also consider wearing some support stockings during your pregnancy. These will not only help combat swelling, but may help prevent or minimize the effects of varicose veins later in pregnancy. Most medical care suppliers carry support hosiery that works well for women during pregnancy.

You should look for support hose with a medium grading minimum, meaning they provide firm support. Compression hose can often be purchased online. You can also ask your healthcare provider where you might purchase a pair or two.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Pregnancy Symptoms, Signs and Symptoms of Being Pregnant

by: Brian Gardner


Although a lot of women experience pregnancy symptoms, and find signs of being pregnant, other's don't "feel" pregnant. Certain signs and symptoms of being pregnant can be confused with other illnesses. The following list are some telltale symptoms of pregnancy. Morning sickness is one of the most common signs of being pregnant, but you also might be one of the lucky ones who never experience this pregnancy symptom. Missing a period is another sign and symptom of being pregnant. We'll go into greater detail below, and you can read below.


One of the most common signs and symptoms of being pregnant, missing a period can also be caused by other reasons. Although missing a period is one of the most common of the pregnancy symptoms, stress, illness, weight fluctuations or coming off the oral contraceptive pill can also be the cause of this. Irregular periods are a common symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition in which periods can occur several months apart. If you still feel like you are experiencing other pregnancy symptoms, continue reading the other signs of being pregnant.


Another sign and symptom of pregnancy is the changing of size and feel of your breast. As early as a few days after conception, this pregnancy symptom may occur. Your breast is beginning to enlarge, as it gets ready for breastfeeding. Many women claim that their breasts are very sensitive and that they experience a very sharp, tingling sensation as well. Being one of the signs and symptoms of being pregnant, the tenderness of the breast often disappears a few weeks later.


Considered another one of the classic sign and symptoms of being pregnant, nausea and vomiting, (aka morning sickness) has become one of the most feared of all pregnancy symptoms. Feeling sick is a common complaint and is experienced by most women from weeks 5 to 6 of their pregnancy. However, morning sickness can also be felt as early as two weeks after conception. Morning sickness can occur at any time of the day, and can vary from an occasional faint sensation to overwhelming vomiting and nausea. By and large, morning sickness is one of the pregnancy symptoms that tends to disappear towards the end of the first trimester.


Many women experience fatigue as one of their pregnancy symptoms. Although this might be a sign of being pregnant, it can also indicate other things as well.


Being one of the first physical symptoms of pregnancy, the darkening of the areola can occur throughout your entire pregnancy. If you notice the darkening of the areola, this could be considered one of the signs and symptoms of being pregnant.


If you experience that you are urinating more frequently, this might be another of the pregnancy symptoms that confirm that you are pregnant. As early as two weeks after conception, you might find yourself experience this pregnancy symptom. The pressure of the literally reducing size of your bladder is the cause of this. Your uterus beings to rise up into the abdomen, and this annoying pregnancy symptom is the result. Rising levels of the pregnancy hormone progesterone stimulate the bladder muscles, so that it feels full, even though you might not need to urinate. Of all of the pregnancy symptoms, and signs of being pregnant, women sometimes find this to be the most annoying.


Don't be surprised if you experience this pregnancy sign and symptom. Many women claim that certain foods make them feel queasy - while others experience a craving for other foods. Another sign of this pregnancy symptom, is a strange metallic taste.


Another of the annoying signs and symptoms of being pregnant, constipation occurs.


Two weeks after conception, your baby is no bigger than a pinhead, comprised of a few balls of cells. As it begins to develop in the lining of the uterus, the placenta begins to form and produce necessary pregnancy hormones. Below are some ways to confirm that the pregnancy symptoms and signs of being pregnant that you have noticed are accurate, and that you will be having a baby.


Being very accurate, these tests can be purchased at a local drugstore, and can confirm pregnancy by detecting the level of HCG in your urine. Your health care provider may rely on this test, and may only repeating testing if complications arise. If you receive a positive result, you may want to make an appointment with your doctor so that they can confirm you are pregnant and begin follow-up.


Similar to that of a home pregnancy test, and office urine test confirms pregnancy by also detecting the level of HCG in your urine. Being nearly 100% accurate, this test does not require you to urinate first thing in the morning. This type of test also can determine that the signs and symptoms of being pregnant hold true, and that your pregnancy symptoms are right.


In order to assist dating your pregnancy, your healthcare provider may also perform a pregnancy blood test. This particular pregnancy test can give you a positive or negative result, and once again detects the level of HCG. This time, it detects that level in your blood, and depending on your pregnancy symptoms, helps them determine what kind of care to give you. Pregnancy blood tests are useful if there are any concerns about miscarriage, or if there are indications that an unusual pregnancy is occurring.


Four to six weeks after conception, your doctor can receive indefinite proof by examining you internally. Certain signs like the thickening of vaginal tissues and the softening of your uterus will confirm that the pregnancy symptoms are right on!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

10 Risk Factors that Every Pregnant Woman Should be Aware Of

by: Criss White

Many factors affect the development of a fetus into a healthy child, some which are beyond your control and others that are within your control. Here are ten of the most common pregnancy risk factors that can be controlled or influenced:

Smoking - Smoking is not only bad for you, but bad for your baby as well. Smoking during pregnancy reduces the amount of oxygen that the baby receives and increases the risk of miscarriage, bleeding, and morning sickness. Chemicals inhaled while smoking may lead to other health problems with the baby. Reduced birth weight, premature birth, increased risk of SIDS, and stillbirth are other possible consequences. Pregnant women should also avoid second hand smoke.

Alcohol - Drinking can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, including symptoms like low birth weight, medical problems, and behavior abnormalities. As soon as you know you are pregnant, stop drinking. For more detailed information on problems that can be caused by alcohol, visit

Caffeine - There are many conflicting studies about caffeine and pregnancy and some believe that caffeine is not as harmful as it was once thought to be. Nevertheless, the FDA warns against caffeine consumption during pregnancy and suggests quitting or reducing consumption at the very least. Caffeine has been shown to affect fetal heart rates and awake time (fetuses grow when sleeping). Decaffeinated coffee can also be harmful since producers often add additional chemicals to remove the caffeine. Caffeine can also increase risk of stretch marks. Suddenly quitting coffee intake can cause headaches; so most experts recommend gradually reducing the amount consumed.

Drugs and Herbal Remedies - Always be careful about drugs or herbal remedies that are not prescribed by a doctor. These substances may affect the development of your unborn child.

Nutrition - Good nutrition is crucial to a developing child, particularly getting enough folic acid. Lack of folic acid can cause birth defects. At least 400-1000 micrograms of this B vitamin is suggested (about ten times more if you've already had a child with neural tube birth defects) starting one month before pregnant and throughout the entire pregnancy. Leafy vegetables, orange juice, and beans are some natural sources of folic acid. Many stores sell vitamins with folic acid.

Exercise - Moderate exercise is helpful as it improves the mother's mental state and can increase oxygen flow to the fetus. However, over-exertion can be dangerous. Most experts recommend reducing your exercise intensity during pregnancy. Activities like walking, swimming, and yoga are popular for pregnant women.

Prenatal Care - Regular doctor visits are important to your baby's development. The body undergoes many changes during pregnancy. Some side effects may be completely normal, whereas other may not. Regular monitoring by a professional will help ensure that your baby will be born healthy.

Multiple sex partners - Multiple sex partners can increase risk of STD's, which in turn may lead to birth and pregnancy complications, like low birth weight or premature birth.

Exposure to chemicals - During pregnancy, reduce exposure to unnatural chemicals, particularly pesticides in food. Many people now eat organic produce, which is grown without chemicals. The simplest precaution to take before consuming vegetables or fruits is to wash them thoroughly. Also, removing the outer surface of vegetables can be helpful since most pesticides will rest on the outside of the vegetable or fruit.

Other factors - Many other factors can affect fetal development, including heart disease, the mother's age (before 15 years and after 35 years is riskier), asthma, excessive stress or depression, diseases, and bleeding. Consult your physician if you are affected by any of these conditions.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Some Tips On How To Tell Your Husband You’re Pregnant

by: Kitty Barker

From time to time we come across some small hurdles in life but be confidant in knowing that most of them can be overcome - no matter what anyone tells you. One such hurdle is how to tell you husband your're pregnant. This is not meant to be advice on deception but I realize that not every piece of information is received as planned. There is always a place for input and stimulation when you need to get the creative juices working and none so much important as how to tell your husband you're pregnant.

Reading this article, you might get some useful ideas of how to tell your husband you’re pregnant. Finding out that you’re pregnant is one of the greatest events in your life. Nothing compares to the feeling you get when it becomes a certainty that there’s a new life growing inside of you. You’re happy and you want to share it with everyone. Of course, the first one that has to find out is your partner. Now you have to figure out how to tell your husband you’re pregnant. Well, relax because this article will help make it that much easier.

How he finds out the big news depends a lot on what he feels about having a baby, or at least on what you expect him to feel. Let’s consider three scenarios;

1. If you have both been trying for a long time to get pregnant, it means he will be extremely happy.

2. If you didn’t discuss seriously the topic and the pregnancy comes as a surprise even for you, he might be happy but he might also be scared of the simple fact that this will completely change his life and yours.

3. It can become complicated when your husband doesn’t want to have children. How to tell your husband you’re pregnant when you know for sure he opposes the idea of having a baby at this point. Here are some tips for all these three situations.

1. How to tell your husband you’re pregnant when you know this will be the greatest news for him. Depending on how much you like to surprise your partner, there are lots of ways to do this. Use your imagination! If you like romantic stuff, you can surprise him with a romantic dinner and, meanwhile, tell him the news. Make sure he finishes eating before, otherwise he might be that overwhelmed with happiness that he won’t be able to eat anymore. This is how a friend of mine surprised her husband: she put her pregnancy test result into an envelope and just left it on his desk, among other papers, and then waited for him to discover it. The problem was he opened it after 4 or 5 hours, as he had no hint of what was inside, and meanwhile, she was going crazy counting the seconds until he finally saw it. Of course, you can also just tell him, straight away, as soon as you find out: “I’m pregnant!!!” He will be just as happy as you are. Or you can choose to find out together, you can ask him to assist you while taking the pregnancy test.

2. How to tell your husband you’re pregnant when he’s not really prepared.
A pregnant woman needs a lot of support from her husband. But if your husband is not yet mature enough (and some men never are mature enough!) The news of your pregnancy might scare the hell out of him. This is most often an over reaction. And if he lets you see this, it doesn’t appear to be supportive at all. Before telling him, you must think of all his possible reactions and not expect much support from him in the beginning. Even if you have always been excited about the idea of having a baby, you have to understand that your partner might not have the same ideas as you. A child is a huge responsibility, and he may not be prepared mentally to face it. Therefore, you will have to be the supportive one and help him pass over his fears. However, in the end, when he gets used to the idea that he’s going to have a child, he’ll certainly be even more excited than you are. Of course, he might also be pleasantly surprised from the beginning, and this will be much easier for you!

3. How to tell your husband you’re pregnant when you know he opposes the idea at this point. You’ve discussed this several times, you tried to convince him, you even point out him happy children on the street hoping he might change his mind, but still he’s just like a stone. My first thoughts here are to minimize any pressures. Don’t tell him on a work day if he has a pressuring job or when he is fatigued. Wait until you have some time together. Go for a walk and spring it on him while you’re walking. Cook him his favorite meal, not to deceive but to soften the blow. It is important for you to be strong enough to face any of his reactions.

I hope this information has helped you to think creatively based on your own scenario. It’s better you know how to tell your husband you’re pregnant rather than someone else – remember that!
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